Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello all, this is the Monday Interview! Today, our grand interviewee will be.... my father! Ok, just a brief introduction. This interview is to understand the reading habbits of my father and you would be interested in how he answers his question. Off we go then!

What is the title of the book that you are reading? Why are you reading it?
Glycerine. I am reading it for scientific purposes and for my researches in the laboratory. I do a lot of lab work, so this book will come in handy, especially if I am doing a project about it.

What are the criterion that you use to select a book title?
It must be topics of my interests and I would like to read books which are in the form of movie trailers. One of such is The Da Vinci Code. Other criterion that I choose is that the book must work-related.

Do you think it more important to read for leisure than for work?
Yes, because I think that reading is more of a form of leisure and even though I read books that are related to work, I find it rather relaxing as work is also a form of leisure for me.

How does reading benefit you? (for relaxation? for learning new knowledge? gaining literature insights?)
It is more for relaxation and to expand my vocabulary. It is also for my leisure activities.

Which book has the greatest impact on you? Why?
Animal Farm by George Orwell. It reminds me as a parent especially to be fair and transparent always or my children (my siblings and I ) will be mad at me!

Can you recommend some books you have read in your childhood that you think is suitable for us to read?
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Another one is Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy.

If your shelf caught fire, which book would you take?
Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I usually read this book to sleep and the thought-provoking mysteries prevent my mind from overworking.

Overall, I think that my father reads quite a fair bit but if may seem that he is quite a workaholic. The fact that he reads most of his books related to work makes me feel that way. Alright, the interview has ended. Hope you enjoyed it and I will try to have an interview weekly until the end of the holidays.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenneth here. Well, firstly, it is quite commendable to see you add the opinions of what you think about your father's reading habits because it makes me understand what you thought about his reading habits too. Isn't that part of thoughts and feelings? :) Maybe a suggestion to your answers and questions is that can you highlight those that are questions in perhaps green, and those that are answers in red? It is easier to read that way.

    It has piqued my interest to know that your father thinks that reading for leisure is more important and "even though he read books that are related to work, he finds it rather relaxing as work is also a form of leisure for him." So does he read for work or leisure? Quite keen to know that.

    By the way, 2 of the questions you used for interview was actually my contributions to the wikispace of Ms Lim. :)
