Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Home, finally! Changed my braces colour to pink and yellow. Anyway, today we had language arts, my new favourite subject! The topic for the day:

"What do you think we can do to improve our education system?"

I think that Singapore's education is quite whole and well already, and I do not really have much to comment about it. However, I still have some suggestions to improve our education system.
Firstly, I believe that since we are living in a rather competitive society, the duty of students is to study, study and study even more. I think that it is certainly very natural for students to be overwhelmed with school work and added pressures to strive from their parents. I hope that students will not be too stressed out by their work and sometimes have some fun instead. Firstly, I think that we should introduce more outdoor activities for them. This will help the students to destress. Secondly, I would like schools to have more facilities so that students can learn in a more conducive environment. I also think that learning should not always be in the classroom and we should have students to go out to discover more about what they are learning.
This will help the students be more interested in their studies and learning should be more creative. This will enhance the quality of our education and enjoy learning.

Any disagreements? Share your thoughts!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. did u really changed your braces from PINK to YELLOW?
