Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi all, its time to make a post after 6 months+. I must have been MIA (Missing In Action). So this time I would like to start blogging again :)

Ok, today I started out school with a sore throat and a minor flu, but hopefully I would be back to my normal self by tomorrow :) I would like to comment on the traffic of Singapore and I am pretty disappointed by the way Singaporeans drive. There is this minor congestion when some cars want to turn out from a junction when there are no traffic lights. I have observed that the Singaporean drivers do not give in to the cars which are trying to turn out. Moreover, when the driver in front have the opportunity to turn out, the other drivers would all rush to turn out, creating a minor jam in the junction. There must be some sort of a competitive spirit in Singaporeans, but I believe that the habit of Singaporean drivers is so inconsiderate that it cannot be tolerated. I have been to other countries which have many more cars on the road (i.e Istanbul) but the drivers still give way. I believe that the Singaporean drivers will justify their actions by saying that they are in a rush or that other drivers do not give in too. However, I feel that this is an excuse as the city of Istanbul has so many more cars than Singapore and Istanbul is way bigger than Singapore. The government of Singapore has constantly insisted on road courtesy, but it all starts from the driver. Thus, I feel that before drivers obtain their driver's license, they should also take a 'courtesy test'. This will make the drivers more aware of road courtesy and importance.

I still look forward to the day where Singaporeans drivers abolish their "must win, must be first" mentality so that Singapore would be a step closer to being the "model country" for the rest of the world.

1 comment:

  1. I'm taking driving lessons at the moment and I share your position that Singaporeans are very inconsiderate drivers and this has a lot to do with their "must be first and must win" mentality. I lost count of the number of times drivers cut into my lane or refused to give way to me on the road.
